Books to Read this Spring
Can you feel the weather getting warmer? The birds singing louder? It’s a sure sign that spring has finally sprung! With the outdoors becoming less frosty, you might think it’s a great time to go outside! And maybe while you're out there, take a book to read while relaxing in the warm sunlight.
Mysteries & Legends Book 1: Monsters
What creatures lurk around the dark alleys and whispering woods around the globe?
Everyone wants to go outside when the weather is nicer! But does that include monsters too? Read all about the mysterious legends found in Canada and around the world in this handy guide on monsters!
Bone Jaw
A cute and funny little story about misunderstandings
This story begins on a nice warm day when Jack the Beaver decides to start up a conversation with Jacques the Fox. The conversation quickly turns into silly bilingual shenanigans.
Alphabet Pie!
Delightful poems for grown-ups and kids alike
“Thank you, Spring, for winter's end, and bringing summer my good friend…” Find a poem about spring and many more in Alphabet Pie!, a collection of fun poems all about the joys and wonders of childhood.
Have fun reading!